Welcome to St Michael’s
We hope and pray that you will come to know Christ more deeply through the ministry at St Michael’s. Please come and join us at one of our services, or simply visit our beautiful church building as an oasis of peace.
Coming Up
1pm Mondays – Organ Recital
6pm Tuesdays – Choral Evensong
Tuesday 4 March – post-evensong dinner & discussion
6pm Monday 17 March – online prayer meeting
6pm, Friday 28 March – Stainer’s Crucifixion
8am Tuesday 1 April – Matins

Investigating Christianity?
At St Michael’s we regularly have people join us who are asking the big questions about life. What is the point? If there is a God, why doesn’t he do something about all the suffering in our world? Often people join us having grown up going to church, but haven’t been for a long time! We pride ourselves on giving people the space to consider the Christian faith afresh. As well as formal services, we offer the opportunity for a guided read-through of one of the eyewitness accounts of the life of Jesus.